Friday, April 22, 2011

Exercise, Dentist and Fresh Squeezed OJ

The last two weeks have been ..just WOW! First off, P90X, yeah right.  Apparently I had been drinking a little too heavily, grape juice that is, the day I made that decision .  What was I thinking? After 4 days of brutal misery I had to give up. FYI Wikipedia was 100% correct, this is extreme exercise for CRAZY people.  Not only was my body completely worn out, I couldn't even get out of the bed. I think I'll just stick to the treadmill. However, I'm still on my eating healthy kick, well other than tonight's dinner, ha ha. 

Continuing on to the eating right part, I have been doing exceptionally well in that area, considering I've had nothing but soup to eat for the last week and a half.  That would be due to a terrible visit to the dentist.  To keep you from the very long, painful story my tooth feels better.  Temporarily I have this "stuff" on my tooth that has a slight clover, cinnamon, and earthy taste.  I'm sure after eating a vast array of soups for the last 10 days I have at least dropped a pound or two.  However, my wonderful dinner tonight, which is my favorite!, probably worked against Brats, onions, and squash..YUMM!!

Almost forgot about my Fresh Squeezed OJ, note squeezed by ME!  Just in case you were curious you can buy a 3 pound bag of oranges for $2.50!! I've been eating so many oranges I'm surprised I don't have a nice orangy glow. After eating on this bag of oranges for about 3 weeks, I didn't think I was going to be able to eat them all before they went bad, so I had the idea to make Orange Juice.  Ok well a couple things you should know. One, eating an orange is very sweet however the juice from an orange is not. So you definitely need to add sugar.  Which I'm sure completely defeats the purpose in having fresh squeezed OJ. Number two, make sure you have a super strong juicer.  I had one of those on a stick (you hold it in your hand) and after juicing my second broke..ha ha then it was squeezing the old fashioned way. Number three, all that squeezing really works your muscles definitely recruit a partner, apparently I'm not a good recruiter because Rob was using his facial muscles to eat the left-over orange pulp instead of those arm muscles for squeezing.  Number four, about six oranges yielded one pint of juice.  So if you're a heavy juice drinker I would probably just buy it in the jug.  However what I'll probably do from now on. But hey when life gives you oranges make orange juice.

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