Saturday, April 9, 2011

Changing My Lifestyle--P90X Style

I have been contemplating changing my lifestyle for the last few weeks, however now I have decided to put a plan in action.  Since the hubbs and I exchanged vows I have put on a hefty pound or two all from the fact that I eat what I want and I'm constantly lazy..good going 'Manda.  But today.. actually right now I am putting a new plan in place.  We have the P90X workout videos which I have tried to do twice before, however after the first week I was so tired I could go on no longer.  But today I make a change.  Today I'm changing my lifestyle to be lean, mean, go-get-'em machine.  Boy this will be tough, I'm gonna want to quit, I'll hate every minute of it, my body will ache for days, but I'm not going to let it get the best of me. I will accomplish this!!

Wikipedia states this is an extreme exercise program and blah..blah..blah.  Basically only for the insane.  But why not set insane goals. And to have a goal you must have a date of completion.  So as of July 10th I will be finished. Please look forward to my insane posts as I begin my new lifestyle, after all this is a change FOREVER!

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