Sunday, March 27, 2011

Re-organization Drama

I was super excited because I was finally going to get to sleep in.  Thank you Jesus. Did some work stuff.. and worked on a baby quilt I was quilting on the machine (first time!!..YAY me!) [Check out my other Blog for lots of pics]. 

I decided the spare bedroom needed to be straightened up so I was just going to do the closet, and well, you know how that goes.  You start with something small and it turns into a HUGE project. I was just going to straighten my quilting stuff..ha ha.. yeah right.  So I'm knee deep in crap I hardly ever use, like scrapbooking-box-o-fun-ness, and the dryer dings.  I check the clothes and they're not dry.  This is very aggrivating because for some unknown reason our micro-dryer gets hot but the clothes never dry. So I start the load for the 3rd time..yes 3 times!!, and cross my fingers they will be dry in a bit. At this time I notice my tiny little straightening/organizing project has turned into a huge debris of junk. As I'm going through the closet, which gets straightened more than any room in the entire house, I am thinking about what kind of space I want to make it.  The purpose should be a craft/guest/storage/fun room. Wow .. what a multi-purpose room.  FYI there is no such room according to Wikipedia. So fast foward a few hours and the closet is finished. YAY.. I conquered the closet.  Now that the closet looks perfect, the floor is full of things that need new a new home. Great job for planning ahead, Amanda. ::rolls eyes::

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