Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Random Midnight Thoughts

Today/yesterday seemed to be a day for lots of thinking.  And you know thinking isn't always a bad thing.  This all actually started when I was getting ready this morning.  I had my hair dried, my teeth brushed, and was in the process of applying make-up when the thought hit me; "Why do we wear makeup?"  Just go with me for a minute here.  This would be addressed to ladies only, however here in the fabulous state of California some men wear make-up too.  Yeah who knew.  We wear make-up to make us look "pretty or more desirable", apparently our natural beauty isn't enough.  All of these chemicals and groady (yes it's an Amanda word) smelling concoctions on our face to make us look pretty.  Seriously what is the point in that.  It just sounds like someone wanted to make a but load of $$ to put gross smelling stuff on our faces.  Yeah, they're a winner.  Natural beauty is what makes you, well, you.  The sun spots, chicken pox scars, acne blemishes, stubborn freckles all of that makes you complete. Who wants to hid that? Maybe because society tells us "pretty" women look perfect, when that's actually not reality at all.  So technically, when you apply your morning face routine are you applying a lie??  Everything that goes on your face is fake, so now when we meet someone and put our "best foot forward" we're beginning on a lie. Maybe I'll boycott makeup next week..hum..

Next thought.. It's funny how life changes.  You go living your life making day to day decisions and most of the time not taking a second thought about where those decisions may take you.  Where were you 5 years ago?  I, myself was in college, finishing my junior year, still confused about what my future would hold.  The little decisions that I made then ultimately reflected my life to end up where I am today.  Think about it in more detail though.  How was your family life, what about friends, your lifestyle, finances and these are just to name a few.  Everything I have now is a reflection of the decisions I made then.  And ask yourself, do you like the way your life is now?  What can you do to change it, so it isn't the same 5 years from now? A little inner reflection isn't always bad but maybe it's something you should think about.

Well that's about all the thinking I can handle for one night.  It's time to put those rusty, smokin' gears to sleep.

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