Friday, February 11, 2011

My First Rescue

There were lots of different reasons why we moved to Fresno, one being to gain new experiences and to find a new way to love living life.  One new experience is I am starting my own financial business at World Financial Group (WFG).  The job market in Fresno is almost non-existent.  The employment is something like 12%-18% depending on what month it is.  Needless to say an opportunity arose to work at WFG, and it seems like a great opportunity so we took it. 

The WFG office is in an office complex in a neighborhood about 5 or so miles from our home.  While there Tuesday night a little kitten was scratching on the door and trying to peek inside.  During our meeting you could even hear the little one meow-ing desperately outside.  I'm a cat lover so it broke my heart to see this little one on a cold night outside alone.  After hearing the poor thing meow for about two hours I just couldn't handle leaving it there with no food.  As soon as our meeting was finished I rushed outside to check on the baby kitten, which was very affectionate.  He started nibbling at my fingers and biting at my sweater, all of which I'm sure was because he was hungry.  Needless to say I had to bring him home, even if it was just for the night.  I tossed the little booger in the car and was on our way home.  Note: I did check him for fleas before bringing him home because that would have been one awful mess.

I brought little booger into the house in a cage because I wasn't sure how Oscar would respond.  Very glad I did because he didn't like it much.  I took new kitten to the bathroom, got him fed and warm and boy was he happy.  Next on the agenda, give the little one a bath. Yes, I am completely aware that you must think I'm nuts to give a cat a bath, however some things just must be done.  Poor thing stunk to high heaven which I'm sure was all from being outside during the last couple weeks when it was raining like every day of the week.  Long story short cat got a bath and I didn't get scratched.  Yes please read that again, "I didn't get scratched."  I left new kitty alone for a couple hours to get warmed back up from the bath and then boy was his coat shiny.  New kitty was proud of his "wash, dry, and style."  Oscar was very upset that a new kitty was here after I tried to explain his "cousin" was only staying for the night and would be going to the shelter in the morning.  In a nut shell the two didn't get along.  But what do you expect Oscar rules this roost.. or maybe rules this cat house.

I was quite concerned that I may be taking someones new kitten when I brought him home, however the poor little thing didn't exactly know what the litter box was for, so then I was sure he was 100% stray.  New kitty ate quite a bit, so much that I actually took food away afraid that he would make himself sick.  The little one got locked in the cage which was then in the bathroom with the door shut so Oscar couldn't harass him all night.  The next morning I was all excited to get new kitty to a shelter as soon as possible, I wanted to get the little one adopted ASAP.  He is very lovable and affectionate and definitely playful.  But I found great difficulty in finding a shelter for him to go to.  Actually the only one I could find was a "kill" shelter.  And lets face it there's no way I'm sending his cute little face to a kill shelter.  After searching and searching we finally found a friend to give him a home.

Again, another new experience for this Southern Kentucky Gurl.  I thought it would be difficult to give little one away, however it wasn't I guess because I knew from the beginning I was going to take him to the shelter.  Oscar is The Warner's kitty, he makes us a family, and that's what I like.. just the three of us.

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