Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cookout, Birthday, Adoption

It has been one amazing busy week here at the Warner's.  To update from last post, Farmers Market is STILL amazing, I'll make sure to post pics of my findings next week. Rob did get that promotion at the hospital, and is now a Charge Nurse.  I'm so proud of him.  He's only been a nurse for a year and a half at the hospital in Cali for only 8 months and has already gotten a great promotion. 

Speaking of Rob, his 29th birthday was this week.  I love to make a huge deal of birthdays so to me it was a big deal, however he does not share my enthusiasm.  Needless to say we had a bunch of friends over for a wonderful cookout. You ask, what makes it wonderful?  I didn't burn anything (lol) that's what.  The grape salad was devoured as were the potatoes.  Rob cooked the kabobs with steak and chicken and they were glorious!!  Also we made Ice Cream Cake (my naming) my fave!! And just to show how much I think ahead, I forgot to get birthday candles so I used two (tall romantic) dinner candles  It was all the same, we sang and he blew out candles.

To top off our wonderful week we have decided to add another to the Warner House, after all we are a house filled with love.  Yesterday we rescued/adopted a kitty from the CCSPCA.  He is a grey tabby, about 2 months old (we'll just say his bday is April 1st), and VERY rambunctious.  So curious about EVERYTHING.  Currently he doesn't have a name so he's just kitty.  We're hoping to accomplish that by this weekend.  Oscar is beginning to adjust, however last night was a fiasco.  I am doing some research and apparently what is happening with the swatting and growling is Oscar needs to teach baby kitty that he is Alpha-Male and when baby kitty learns only then will the rough play cease and play banter begin.  Although Wikipedia says sometimes cat's never merge I'm thinking positive.  I know Oscar will enjoy being a big brother as soon as little brother accepts it.  You can see from the pic, it took quite a while and strategic hand placement to type.  All I can say is all this hard work will soon pay off.

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