Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why Fresno?

I'm new at this so it may take a few posts to get the swing of goes.

At the end of September my husband and I moved from a small town in Kentucky to California.  Now don't get your hopes up, we're not talking about San Francisco or San Diego--we moved to Fresno.  If you're not aware of the location just draw a line from the KY/TN border straight across the US until you get to the middle of California and well...that's Fresno.  So far we're about 3 1/2 months in and we love it here.  We couldn't have imagined how wonderful it would be, but I think we're gonna be her for a long time.

Lots of people as why did you move to Fresno; couldn't you have picked some place better?  We actually moved here because the hubbs got a job at the Fresno Community Hospital which is known for it's Level 1 Trauma Center.  It is going to be a great learning experience for him and he is loving it.  Rob (the hubbs) is a Nurse in the Emergency Department and eventually wants to become a CRNA a Nurse Anesthetist.  And since I have no idea what that is I Wikipedia'd and basically it's the person that puts you to sleep when  you have surgery.  They just sit there on a stool watch the monitors and make sure you're asleep when you're supposed to be and wake you up when they're finished.  This is a long time goal probably something achievable in about 10-15 years.  But you have to put in a lot of clinical nursing hours to be accepted into the program.  Thus why Fresno was a wonderful opportunity for us.

So I wanted to start this blog to basically journal our time here in California.  We have learned so much in the short time we have been here I can't possibly catch you up right now.  So more to come later...

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