Saturday, August 13, 2011

August Is Here!

..and way to fast.  I haven't posted in quite sometime so I have lots to say.

Little Kitty has a name... Tyson Warner.  And no not like the boxer..ha ha.. although he is quite a fighter.  Since we have Oscar and that's deli meat, we had to have another food named kitty ..ha ha.  The growling and hissing has finally come to an end, and that playful banter I was telling you about has begun thank goodness.  Days are now filled with the two of them running through the house.  They'll play chase, then tag, then wrestle, eat a bite, and then nap a little.  They are quite entertaining.  Once the kitties started getting along Oscar started rejecting Mr. W and I however after the last week he is starting to come around again, which makes me smile :)

The BIG event since our last posting is ..we took a surprise trip to Kentucky!!  It was a great success.  The only person that knew was my grandma, after all we had to have someone pick us up from the airport.  Surprising my mom was absolutely priceless, it was the first time EVER I've seen her speechless, which was completely worth all the secrets.  We also got to surprise Rob's family which a bit more hilarious, well for me anyway.  We went to Cracker Barrel in Owensboro (oh how I missed Cracker Barrel..ha ha) where his mom and two sisters were waiting.  Long story short I was sure his sister had dropped a baby and turned over a chair to get to him when she saw us.  But apparently baby was in a chair, whew! 

It was so exciting to see everyone again.  We did miss seeing family, but we are NOT missing Kentucky.  Being here in California we are Amanda and Rob, The Warner's, Newlyweds, Cat People, Weekend-Tripper's, Sunshine and Blue Sky People.  Back in our hometowns' we don't have that independence.  I'm a Daughter, a niece, a granddaughter, someones' grown-married kid, it didn't feel the same as our new home. Not that all those titles didn't make me who I am and I cherish them, I've just grown to be more than them.  We love our independence here and everything moving to California has done for us.  Until our visit back to our hometown's we didn't realize how much we had changed since moving to The Golden State, now how much all that sunshine had changed us.  After our trip we have decided, We are here to stay!